The Hidden Cost of Automation in Insurance

Automation can save you time, but it won’t always save you money. Most company leaders know where, when, how, and why they can apply the technology, but when it comes to price, the true cost of the investment is rarely as obvious as it appears.

DEC Pages & Surplus Lines Filings

As you prepare to file a surplus lines policy with state regulators—and, depending on the state, make your premium tax payment—it’s likely you’ll use the declaration (or DEC) page as a convenient source for policy information. Let’s take a closer look at the definition & information required to file surplus lines policies in four key states

What We Learned in 2020

In the face of 2020’s many challenges, our teams still found ways to learn and grow. We asked ReSource Pro employees to share some of their top lessons learned this year about work and personal life; here’s how they responded.