Policy Insights

Deliver faster, more accurate insurance policies with automated, human-verified policy checking, analysis of errors and more

Go Beyond Policy Checking

What if you could turn your policy checking process into a strategic post-bind advantage? Policy Insights empowers your agency with a tech-enabled platform that streamlines review and coordination.

Take advantage of actionable insights to uncover risk hotspots and drive profitable growth.

Benefits You Can Expect To Better Protect
Your Agency And Policyholders

Minimize E&O


Detect systemic
error patterns

Improve Insured Outcomes


Deliver accurate
policies faster

Optimize Post-Bind Operations


Reduce policy
admin costs

Fuel Agency Growth


Maximize revenue
generating time

How Do We Do It?

Expert Process

Go beyond checking policies, to optimizing your entire post-bind process
and deliver accurate policies to your insureds faster.

Eliminate the need for your account managers to determine (or interpret) discrepancies. We’ve done that already.

With deep technical insurance knowledge and millions of policies checked, we mitigate your E&O risk by recommending the right check for the right policy.

Make backlogs a thing of past. Policy Insights can handle seasonality, rush requests, and complex policies.

Policy Checking

  • Download
  • Gather
  • Check
  • Review
  • Resolve
  • Deliver
  • Measure
  • Manage


Policy Insights
Post-Bind Optimization

  • Download
  • Gather
  • Check
  • Review
  • Resolve
  • Deliver
  • Measure
  • Manage

Scalable, Industry Leading Technology

Policy Insights transforms your process. Choose from AdvanceCheck (integrated technology and experienced insurance professionals) or ExpressCheck (fully AI-based).

  • Review policies and address errors with a one-click portal experience
  • Increase speed and achieve 99.3% accuracy (with AdvanceCheck)
  • Gain insights with seamless agency management system integration

Actionable Data & Analytics

Detect systemic error patterns and hotspots of risks in your agency. Arm yourself with data on the effectiveness and efficiency of your teams.

  • Are policies reviewed on time?
  • Are downstream processes impacted?
  • Is your Agency Management System data healthy?

Predict areas of hidden risk. Gain visibility into discrepancies, errors and follow-on actions.

Policy Insights Sourcelink: Quick & Easy Functionality

Dive into policy documents and source documents with the click of a button. Get the context you need to make a decision quicker than ever before. 

  • Single click document retrieval
  • Precise data location highlighted with a red box
  • Scroll through the entire document for additional context and validation

“I really love the Policy Insights dashboards. They allow me to measure how we are doing relative to others in the industry. So far, we’ve seen a 30% reduction in errors.“

– Cindy Wolkiewicz, Director of Operations, Odell Studner

How Policy Insights Compares

  • Automation
  • Human audit
  • Customizable
  • End-to-end policy processing
  • Agency Management System alignment process
  • Dashboard with
    actionable insights
  • Streamlined review & downstream coordination
  • Automation
  • Human audit
  • Customizable
  • End-to-end policy processing
  • Agency Management System alignment process
  • Dashboard with
    actionable insights
  • Streamlined review & downstream coordination
Resource Pro’s
Policy Insights
  • Automation
  • Human audit
  • Customizable
  • End-to-end policy processing
  • Agency Management System alignment process
  • Dashboard with
    actionable insights
  • Streamlined review & downstream coordination

“We love the Account Manager Portal (AMP)! The team is already feeling relief and overall renewed energy on policy checks.
The AMP makes it much easier to review discrepancies, and more importantly, move forward with reconciliation.”

– Operations Manager

Elevate Account Managers and Ops Leaders

How Policy Insights Helps Account Managers

Use a single online portal to easily:

  • Monitor policy checking process in real-time
  • Review and make decisions on discrepancies
  • Request Agency Management System updates
  • Request endorsement corrections
  • Handle complex policies with different levels of
    policy checking
  • Review only true discrepancies — our solution checks all field types for full coverage validation

How Policy Insights Helps Operations Leaders

Attain faster turnaround times, better customer service, and optimized operations:

  • Utilize hotspots to minimize E&O risk
  • Track all policy processing in real-time
  • Make strategic moves with agency personnel and
    carrier relationships
  • Gain insight into carrier relationships and lines
    of business
  • Empower account managers to focus on risk management and cross selling

Case Study - Account Manager Portal


An insurance broker sought to increase account manager efficiency during policy review.


With Policy Insights, account managers have a central platform to review all errors and delegate downstream work.


  • 50% less time spent on policy checking
  • Direct savings per policy vs. a traditional checklist
  • Improved E&O outcomes

What's Missing in Most Policy Checking Solutions?

Learn more about the top barriers to delivering accurate policies to customers

Download Our eBook
Download Our eBook


Additional Resources

To learn more about transforming your operations to support profitable growth, read, view or listen to below resources.

Get insight into your performance, and the intelligence to improve it.


You’ll not only uncover errors, you’ll understand why they’re being made.

Identify exposure through errors

Policy Insights reduced policy checking times and improved accuracy for Odell Studner.