Mark Breading

7 Ways the Insurance Workforce is Evolving

As the talent crisis persists and technology continues to evolve, how are insurance organizations responding, and what are their plans for the future? Research conducted by ReSource Pro this year reveals insight into how the industry is rethinking workforce strategies, roles, and the usage of tech. Here are seven key findings we uncovered.

Should We Trust AI to Make P&C Decisions? 

AI is poised to transform much of our world, and it is wise for insurance professionals to understand developments and dive in to get hands-on experience. However, exactly what role should it play in P&C insurance decisioning? How can we harness AI tools in the right places and adjust the blend of humans and tech over time?

How My View of ChatGPT Changed In 90 Days

Only a few months ago, it was easy to tell the difference between human- and AI-generated content; today, the task is far more difficult. Experimentation with the technologies is mandatory. Now is not the time to sit on the sidelines and watch—things are moving too fast for that.

Commercial Lines Distribution: Digital Priorities Diverge

ReSource Pro surveyed agency executives in commercial lines to understand their satisfaction with insurers’ digital sales, servicing offerings and the capabilities they believe insurers should invest in to support their needs, focusing on the small commercial and mid/large commercial segments. 

The Metaverse: Closer Than You Think or Further Than You Can Imagine?

There are arguments both for and against the near-term emergence and impact of the Metaverse. It is fun to think about how it may dramatically alter human existence in the future, but first, it is important to define what is even meant by the term—and there is no universal agreement on the concept.