How My View of ChatGPT Changed In 90 Days

Only a few months ago, it was easy to tell the difference between human- and AI-generated content; today, the task is far more difficult. Experimentation with the technologies is mandatory. Now is not the time to sit on the sidelines and watch—things are moving too fast for that.

4 Keys to Success for Automation in Insurance Agencies

As more insurance agencies warm to the idea of implementing automation, their next priority should be understanding how to make automation work successfully. To achieve the greatest return on investment, insurance agencies should consider four key steps.

Commercial Lines Distribution: Digital Priorities Diverge

ReSource Pro surveyed agency executives in commercial lines to understand their satisfaction with insurers’ digital sales, servicing offerings and the capabilities they believe insurers should invest in to support their needs, focusing on the small commercial and mid/large commercial segments. 

5 Pro Tips for Surplus Lines Compliance

When first starting business in the non-admitted market, the to-do list of compliance tasks can feel intimidating. There are lots of new requirements and procedures to master, and the stakes are high, for both your bottom line and your regulatory reputation. Here are five pro tips for surplus lines compliance.

Buying an Agency vs. Buying a Book of Business

Insurance agencies often ask for help with “tidying up” insurance licensing or Secretary of State filings for newly acquired or merged business entities. Unfortunately, sometimes it is not possible. In some cases, they haven’t bought the agency, only some or all of its book of business, or have no legal standing to take any action that impacts the licensing or other regulatory filings for the entity.