
Frank Pennachio

KALEIDOSCOPE Podcast EP 16: Improving Mental Performance


In this episode of Kaleidoscope, we host an open discussion on the impact of mental pressures, improving mental performance with personal development, and the three phases of leadership.

Joining us is Lucas Zeiler, founder of MSM Performance Academy. Lucas is known internationally as a mental performance training and confidence coach. He works with high-performance athletes from around the world, ranging from youth athletes to professionals. His techniques are unique, but his results are impressive.

Key Takeaways:  

  • Mental pressure can prevent some producers from being successful. Everyone has a set of skills, but what differentiates us from one another is the mental toughness we possess.
  • Personal development is the starting point of improving mental performance. Being self-aware is key, along with understanding how you best operate and relate with people. The good news is this can be taught; however, its important to work through and acknowledge internal obstacles.
  • Often, buyers unintentionally derail conversations with questions or objections. Producers must have the gumption to properly lead their prospects through the sales process and keep the discussion on pace. To do this, producers must understand the three phases of leadership: becoming a leader for yourself, taking on leadership of others, and developing as a leader for the community.

This episode is hosted by Frank Pennachio and Susan Toussaint of ReSource Pro’s Growth Solutions practice. We provide insurance agencies and carriers with consulting and training services, enabling them to elevate sales conversations, compete more effectively in the marketplace, and grow organically. To learn more, visit the Growth Solutions website or reach out to Susan Toussaint.  

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Frank Pennachio