
Resource Pro Editorial Team

Use Case: Comprehensive Training for a New Policy Administration System


About the Customer

Specialty commercial insurance carrier with multiple locations in the U.S.

The Challenge

The carrier is a current ReSource Pro client looking to implement a new administrative system with a facilitated training curriculum for end users. As the carrier was focused on the technology build, testing, and launch of the new system, they needed a partner who could support the training curriculum build and deployment.

The project’s tight timeline required detailed planning and governance to develop and deliver user training content. Leveraging ReSource Pro’s industry knowledge and resources helped the client successfully launch the user training on time.

The Solution

ReSource Pro’s Operations Advisory consultants led the development of a repeatable end user training curriculum for the carrier’s new admin system. As a starting point, the team helped establish the overall project governance and creating a training and delivery plan—including training topic, preparation and delivery time, estimated number of trainees, targeted user groups, and delivery method.

Next, the ReSource Pro team focused on developing administrative SOPs, job aids, and training content—such as how-to user guides, facilitation guides, and case studies for user practice. The team then coordinated and delivered the training, which included instructor-led sessions, breakout groups, discussion groups, and polls.

Finally, after the training was complete, the ReSource Pro team assessed knowledge retention and gathered feedback from participants.

Impact and Results

  • 200 key activities completed (training design, discovery sessions, content
  • creation, etc.)
  • 109 user training content guides and case studies completed
  • 36 training sessions delivered
  • Training delivery to 9 targeted user groups, or approximately 180 users
  • Created structure for ongoing training delivery and deployments
  • Completed the training initiative on time and on budget

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  • Process
  • Strategy


Resource Pro Editorial Team