
Resource Pro Editorial Team

ReSource Pro’s IX Center Delivers Award-Winning Customer Service


When a disaster hits, one of the first things you do to recover is call your insurance agent. But what if you are the insurance agent and a storm knocks out your operations?

This was the crisis several ReSource Pro’s clients faced in 2017 after Hurricane Harvey ripped through Texas, causing $125 billion in damages throughout the state. ReSource Pro stepped in to provide uninterrupted service for the insureds. This case of going above customer service norms earned ReSource Pro top honors at the Stevie Awards this week. At the ceremony in Las Vegas, Pierce Zanders, Insurance Experience Center Custom Supervisor, accepted the three awards:

  • Gold for Customer Service Department of the Year – Financial Services 100 Employees or More
  • Silver for Customer Service Provider of the Year
  • People’s Choice Winner – Financial Services

We launched the Insurance Experience (IX) Center in Lincoln, Nebraska in 2015, to provide specialized customer service with highly-trained insurance professionals. It’s this team that delivered exceptional customer service in our clients’ greatest time of need.

The IX Center team acted quickly and leveraged our global presence. Employees in Nebraska and Bangalore, India, coordinated to guarantee each claimant was heard. To field these calls, we had to integrate our technology and phone systems with the clients in less than a week, a process that usually takes several weeks.

Thanks to these efforts, our clients’ customers were able to report claims and recover from storm damage more quickly than if they had reached out directly to insurance carriers. One client relayed the “comfort and confidence” customers felt while receiving help in the immediate aftermath of the Category 4 storm.

The three weeks of extra care we provided after the storm remains a memorable, galvanizing moment for our team and the clients they helped. Looking back, the most moving testimonial came from a client email: “I can’t thank you all enough for stepping up and lending a helping hand. It means the world to us, and not only strengthens and broadens our partnership with ReSource Pro, but is a reminder to us that the decision to work together several years ago was not only the right one, but was actually one of the best business decisions we have ever made.”

While we’re proud of the technology and data we’ve developed to integrate into all we do, the real value is adding the human touch and expertise to create real impact in our industry.

We take pride not only in our experienced professionals and technology, but also adding the human touch to create real impact in our industry. Great job, IX Center team!



Resource Pro Editorial Team