
Paul Springman

The Power of Praise: You Better Recognize


Paul W. Springman, a consultant for ReSource Pro, assists his clients in growing their businesses and increasing their profitability. He has a long term track record of success, and is particularly astute at coaching people to achieve peak results.

You better recognize

Giving praise, especially praise in public, is one of the best motivators and morale boasters I know.

Everyone feels good when the boss takes the time to single out an employee or a team for a job well done. If you have a regularly scheduled meeting – give public notice for good work, both large and small. Acknowledge new product ideas and praise those that have been commended by customers for good service. Everybody feels good and everyone, whether they admit it or not, appreciates the recognition.

Management studies show that 66 percent of office workers say they would leave a job if they didn’t feel recognized or appreciated.

66% of office workers say they would leave a job if they didn’t feel recognized.

Conversely, nothing can be more demoralizing than being criticized by the boss in public. Not only does the individual feel horrible and sometimes belittled, the misery-loves-company syndrome kicks in and other staff members feel bad, too. This hurts morale, performance and subsequently results.

Lesson learned: Praise in public, criticize in private.

Learn more about ReSource Pro’s Talent Development programs that develop and empower your people to do more for your organization and themselves.


Paul Springman