ReSource Pro Editorial Team

Opportunities Abound for Agents in E&S Market

The excess and surplus lines insurance market has long been a source of solutions for companies with emerging and difficult-to-place risks. The steady growth in E&S premium volume over the past two decades have made non-admitted business attractive for agencies and brokerage firms.

What Economic Trends Are Impacting Surplus Lines?

Macroeconomic conditions are challenging for insurance companies in general, but they offer some opportunities for surplus lines companies. With inflation at a 40-year high, insurance rates are likely to remain high, driving more risks to the surplus lines market.

M&A Keeps the Non-admitted Market Growing

Mergers and acquisitions have reached record heights for brokers in recent years. At the same time, rate increases and tightening in the admitted insurance market are causing more business to flow into excess and surplus (E&S) lines.

A Roadmap to Growth for Workers’ Comp Carrier

To achieve long-term growth, a carrier sought to expand into new lines of business and diversify geographically with new products & channels. Throughout this journey, the client needed to maintain a strong balance sheet while delivering a superior customer experience.

Our Top 5 Blog Posts of 2022

Each year, we cover a wide range of topics on our blog to help insurance organizations stay up to date on the top trends in the industry, navigate common challenges, and improve their operations. Here are the top five posts our readers enjoyed most this year.